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with Alistair Appleton

mit Alistair Appleton

Put the spring back in your life with therapeutic meditation. 

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"I can't meditate. My mind's too jumpy."

Everyone's mind is too jumpy! 

We live in a world that breeds jumpiness. Which is precisely why I think you'd benefit from Mindsprings meditations. 

We start from the assumptions that all our minds are crazy, jackin-the-box madhouses and go from there.


But don't just take my word for it... 

What Mindsprings folk report: 

All the understanding and encouragement Alistair provided in the course itself - and in his email responses; It has all helped me so much. I truly feel that I am able to deal with my anxiety - rather than allow my anxiety to control my life." 


I wasn't sure what to expect and was really surprised at how profound some of the techniques Alistair teaches in the course can be.


I really loved doing this course! Alistair has given me  practical information and exercises to deal with my anxiety. Even after finishing it I often come back to the videos to support my daily exercises. Alistairs guidance was inspirational.


I found Tapping into Freedom an incredibly uplifting experience. As someone who suffers from anxiety I feel lighter and buzzing with excitement. I have been introduced to a wealth of tools to create lasting positive changes, all of which are within my own control.

Sign in for free and become an active member of the site. Join groups, post comments, book courses and classes. Make friends!
Become a supporting member of Mindsprings to access the complete video-teaching library, attend all the live sessions, get discount on in-person retreats and get a lifetime access to all the flagship self-study courses. 

"Can I trust you? My mind is sore, vulnerable. Sometimes I'd rather not look."

You don't have to trust me with your precious human mind. Mindsprings is only here to help in your own exploration and development. Ultimately, you are the sole proprietor of your mind. 

That said it's good to have someone to hold your hand. 

I've been meditating for more than 2 decades, teaching for more than 15 years. I'm a qualified psychotherapist with lots of clients. Most importantly, I know first-hand what anxiety and mental anguish feels like. 

You can experience the relief and liberation of meditation straight away with our powerful self-study courses. Take a look below:
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Bringen Sie mit Alistairs grundlegendem Mediationskurs etwas Freude in Ihr ganzes Leben zurück. 

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Die Monster der Angst meistern

Erster Teil des Mindsprings-Kurses Angst.

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Anzapfen der Freiheit

Entsperren Sie die unbewussten Muster, die Ihr Leben belasten. 

Course Trio

If you know deep down it's time to love your big beautiful mind...

Take your time and peruse some of the stuff on offer here: 

What We Do


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Whether a city  weekend or a glorious weekend in nature. 

Meditate with Alistair in person.



Join Alistair on Zoom for weekly hour-long sessions. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Browse hours of free recordings and teaching. Subscribe for the full amazing library.


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  • Wo sind meine Online-Kurse geblieben?
    Alle Online-Selbstlernkurse befinden sich weiterhin in der Mindsprings School. Dieses erreichen Sie unter Kurse > Selbststudium in der Navigationsleiste. Ich versuche, einen Weg zu finden, die Schule mit der neuen Website zu synchronisieren - aber dort ist alles sicher und gesund für Sie.
  • Wann starten die Live-Online-Klassen wieder?
    Ich habe eine Auszeit vom Online-Unterricht genommen, bis Daniel und ich diesen Sommer in unser neues Haus eingezogen sind. Ich plane also, im September mit kuratierten Klassen und möglicherweise einer regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Sitzung zu beginnen.

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