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Please say a little prayer for my cat Kitling who is ill in hospital.
Please say a little prayer for my cat Kitling who is ill in hospital.
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I am thinking of you both and sending Buddhist prayers for Kitling.
I know how it feels and the wisdom of Buddhist practise helped my pet and me through a terrible time.
I have been saying the Loving kIndness prayer for you both. My elderly cat has been on borrowed time for many months. Every day with them is a gift. Sending much love x♥️
Take care of you and the rest of the pack. Sending determination to your vets to do absolutely everything they can. Sending strength and healing to your K ❤️
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Sending many prayers of peace, love, strength and all kinds of healing for Kitling and you🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
🕯️Healing thoughts for poor Kitling and her recovery🙏🏼 May dear kitling be well, and may the tenderness that is felt be at ease.
Oh I am sorry to hear about Kitling and your sadness. You will be both in my absent healing thoughts. 🫂
Praying , lighting a candle and sending healing vibes to Kitling. Also sending lots of love to you and Daniel.❤️❤️🙏
Will be saying prayers for beautiful Kitling and thinking of you all x
Much love, Alistair. My thoughts are with you guys and your lovely Kitling. xx