Thank you so much! I like to add how much I feel at home with you and this community. The way you so quickly gasp what I mean and the nuanced thinking is consoling to me. Interconnectedness as joy, as the most sacred feeling I know, as a thing I marvel at, that makes my mind blow and yes also the feeling of a deep ultimate responsibily are the themes of my life.
Lately I have also been remembering the work of Donna Haraway - which I read over 20 yrs ago during my PhD. She is a biologist, feminist thinker who wrote marvelous yet difficult books about interconnectedness (e.g. the suffering of Oncomouse) which I think remain very relevant to what we discussed today. But the most joyful text is her companion species manifesto about how dogs and humans have evolved together over millenia and how that matters in our relationships with them today. It was actually your/Alistairs ill cat that reminded me of Donna. Highly recommended!
I am so enjoying the writers associated with Dark Mountain at the moment. I think you might like their play of darkness and light. Not afraid of the sorrow. And - because of that - able to access something unexpectedly positive.
Thank you so much! I like to add how much I feel at home with you and this community. The way you so quickly gasp what I mean and the nuanced thinking is consoling to me. Interconnectedness as joy, as the most sacred feeling I know, as a thing I marvel at, that makes my mind blow and yes also the feeling of a deep ultimate responsibily are the themes of my life.
Lately I have also been remembering the work of Donna Haraway - which I read over 20 yrs ago during my PhD. She is a biologist, feminist thinker who wrote marvelous yet difficult books about interconnectedness (e.g. the suffering of Oncomouse) which I think remain very relevant to what we discussed today. But the most joyful text is her companion species manifesto about how dogs and humans have evolved together over millenia and how that matters in our relationships with them today. It was actually your/Alistairs ill cat that reminded me of Donna. Highly recommended!