“Gathering together with other practitioners and concentrating our minds into the same space gives us great inspiration. It's much better than just doing a puja alone in our own rooms.
In my college at Sera, we compare group puja to a straw broom. You can't sweep much floor with just one straw, but when many straws are gathered together to make a broom, you can quickly clean an entire assembly hall.
Though distinguished pacitioners such as Milarepa successfully practiced alone, we're not ready for that yet. It's good that we come together to develop single-pointedness of mind. One hundred people's minds all meeting at the same place become
very powerful. “
from “Becoming Vajrasattva” p.149
And we have a chance to practice together this weekend…
Great, I will look into that book. Don't know it.
Wise words!
I recommend the book 'Life of a Tibetan Monk by Geshe Rabten'.. the teacher of Lama Yeshe.
I was fortunate to stay in his monastery in Lumbini (aft having a strange encounter with a yogi in Bodhgaya) where I read this book. Rabten has an ability to open your 3rd eye as if you're beside him in his extraordinary journey.