We were exploring the importance of 'emotional concepts' this morning.
Emotions depend on a conceptual framework in the brain to have meaning. This is why it's so useful to have a richer vocabulary regarding our feelings.
For example, the widespread experience of waking up in an inexplicably bad mood.
It would be easy to pathologise this and see it as a personal failing or a terrible injustice. But when we know there is a word for it, then our emotional experience is validated and given meaning:
MATUTOLYPEA (pronounced: mah-tu-toh-leh-PEE-a)
“Dejection of the Dawn”
Waking up in misery or a bad temper.
From the Roman goddess of the dawn, Mater Matuta, and the Greek word for dejection, lype,
Hello Alistar! Is there a Greek word for elation - waking up with joyful anticipation at the start of the day? I am usually happy and filled with curiousity about what the day will bring. Emotions are funny things! I am wondering...is it not "best" to name and acknowledge the emotion you are experiencing, then let it go freely without judging it to be a bad or good feeling? I hope I am not missing the point! With smiles and salaams, Fran