Hi all have now sorted my profile so I don’t appear as a gaming boy anymore! I’m Kay, a slightly frazzled around the edges 51 year old. I have worked in the NHS for the last 25 years in various ways from a sick childrens nurse, child and adolescent mental health nurse and health visitor and am now a 5 to 19 specialist public health nurse, lots of emotional health issues and a lot of child protection work too. For the last year or two I have found anxiety working it’s way into my personal life and it’s quite frankly a pain so am hoping to find new ways to manage life in general!!!

Hi Kay! (I was wondering who 'gaming boy' was...) I'm so happy to have you here with us.
I am keenly aware of the incredible stress NHS workers are under at the moment and I'd be happy to do anything that I can do support you and your work . If you're interested in any of the courses, let me know and I can give you a caseworker discount.
Meanwhile do look around and see if there's anything useful you can avail yourself of in the libraries or blogs etc. Looking forward to hearing more from you!