@Trudy Morrison asked:
What's behind the idea of "zipping up" at the end of meditation? In yoga, we tend to drum hands on the floor to reground after practice so I assume it's something similar, but I'm curious as to the "up" rather than the "down".
And here's my (not very scientific answer):
I know that's not very conclusive. But I am writing a blog about the vayus or the energy winds, so that might flesh out what I'm saying here. Keep your eyes peeled for that.
Thanks for the video and comments. I suppose I had thought of it as a sort of zipping up to 'seal in' any positive energy generated, and perhaps to protect some vulnerable areas that may have been energetically opened during the meditation before going back into the world.
I'm preferring the ideas here, of connecting to the of uprinsing life- force, and Patti's fountain spraying loveliness out into the world. Much more generous!