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Gill Jewell
Sep 09, 2022
In Sharing Space
our family are English by birth, immigrating to Australia in the late 50s . Magical ph calls to the ‘mother land ‘at Christmas as kids and of course hearing the Queen’s Christmas message linked us to my parents home. RIP Queen Elizebeth and condolences to all who grieve a brilliantly fulfilling life of love and service
Gill Jewell
Aug 16, 2022
In Sharing Space
Wow! Alastair, did you see that the new Anne Cleeves book ( Re the detective Vera ) is set on Holy Island ! Here in Australia she was interviewed( ABC tv) and gave a bit of the history of Holy Island. She is here for a major writers festival.
Gill Jewell
Aug 08, 2022
In Sharing Space
They are creative warm group and I grew up with them at school, still having contact with her niece. Her niece and nephew are creators of healing movements here in Australia. Such a brave woman was Olivia
Gill Jewell
Jun 18, 2022
In Sharing Space
Just found this posting link . So hi Folks ; some of you are lucky living near ( or even in the same country) as Alastair and Daniel. I’m living in Australia travelling a bit for work as a child Developmental therapist ( just fab , I love it - lots of game playing really ). My first intro into meditation was through a local Quaker group in my teens & then religious retreats then being buddies with canticle hermits. ( wow they are a chatty lot ) A friend wrote ‘The Anchoress’ ( R.Cadwallader)which is an insight into that sort of meditation I’m a fidgeter so need to calm my mind & so happy to have found the gorgeous Alastair, who has a life outside of Escaped . Hope to meet you lot when travelling over sometime xxxx

Gill Jewell

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