After a bit of technical head-scratching, I think the Mindsprings Podcast page is up and running. Hurrah!
You can to subscribe through the iTunes Store like other podcasts or you can just click through to this page right now.
That’s the Welcome page. Click at the top to get to the Podcast page. And then listen to which ever lesson you’d like. When enough of the file has loaded you can press play – and in the little bottom strip, towards the right, there are also the chapter headings if you don’t want to listen to the whole one and half hours… For example. there is the guided meditation itself or the discussion afterwards which contains a lot more tangential stuff.
You can download the mp3 files to your computer and thence to your iPod by clicking subscribe. This will take you automatically to iTunes store and you can get the podcasts sent directly into your iTunes player. You can then transfer it to your iPod and listen to anywhere – though please don’t go into deep samadhi while operating heavy machinery.
Hope you enjoy and please let me know if there are any technical foul-ups along the way. I shalln’t be alerting you to every week’s new Podcast – if you’d like to keep abreast, the little purple ‘Subscribe’ button will bond you forever to the emergent world of Mindsprings.