I’m a mother to 1 human and 2 dogs (Bernese Mtn Dog and Labradoodle mix), and I’m a grandma to 2 amazing little humans (3 in May). I’d describe myself as quick-witted, empathetic, caring, impulsive, and analytical. I’m not as artistic as I'd like, except coloring in stress-free drawing books. 😝 I live in Georgia, US, and love traveling (mostly Europe). Have PTSD, GAD, and ADHD (which I'd not choose for myself, but they do make me stronger). After a recent 4-month bout with insomnia, I started putting a new focus on my self-care. I’ve only just started digging into “Mastering the Monsters of Anxiety,” and I’m finding it’s just so perfect for me. I’ve also been enjoying the Dharma Days video. I tried Accupuncture for the first time, and it’s started to help. My accupuncturist recommended I look into Earthing, which I’ve been doing by standing outside barefoot and using earthing mats. I’m sleeping so much better! I’m looking forward to Session 6 where Allistair begins Earthing Breathing, which I’m suspecting is different but works toward same goal of grounding.

Welcome Karen! How lovely to see you and your beautiful dogs… They look so happy on the beach. And I’m so glad that you have found your way to Mindsprings – to the mastering the monsters of anxiety, course and everything else we have to offer. I hope maybe we will see you on the Tuesday evening Anxiety courses. I know that’s not always possible with time zones. Please do book in and you will get the recording whether you can come or not. PTSD and ADHD – as you say not, something one would choose, but I know many people who are brilliant and empathic and compassionate because they have worked with these conditions. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Alistair