This is a transcript of this Monday's Beingfulness session - or a part of it. The sound quality has been a bit wonky because ( I discover) of a loose connection. So the recording wasn't good. So I transcribed the little teaching I gave on anchoring.

The Erotic of Anchoring.
It's an interesting thing, anchoring, because you’re not excluding anything. You’re just focusing on one thing. It’s almost like you’re giving yourself permission to be very simple.
Although you’re not excluding your thoughts, you’re not following your thoughts. Not in a wilful way but because the simplicity of “being with one thing” is easier. More pleasurable.
And I think the key with anchoring is the pleasure element. You are resting in a pleasurable unity of awareness and an object. Again, it doesn't really matter what the object is, but it’s the pleasurable quality that we are cultivating.
Thoughts will come, but the way it works for me is to find the almost erotic quality of attention and awareness.
Placing awareness of one object and absorbing into one thing – there's something erotic about it, in the best sense of the word erotic. Because one of the few times that we completely absorb into the present is during sex, good sex. When we are completely lost in the other.
Being completely in the moment has an erotic quality. There's something erotic about resting in the present moment, resting in the sounds. The normal state of non-erotic life is: Zing, zing, zang. "I've got to do that. I've got to do this. I should be doing this. I should be doing that" – that's very unerotic! [laughs]
But the resting quality of “Aaaah…“ has a silky, sensuous quality. This quality of just this. Just this one thing. Just for now. All those other things can wait, but just in this moment I'm lost in sexual pleasure, or any kind of pleasure. It's a tuning out of everything else, all the other thoughts drop away and you are just with your beloved, or with your orgasm, or whatever. But in this practice, you are just with sounds.
And this is what I meant when I said that there is a quality of "familiar, but forgotten". When we really rest in sounds there is: "Oh, I remember this. I remember this being with things in a very direct way. But I’ve forgotten. I'm so lost in my distracted thoughts.” And this quality of remembering something that you have forgotten, perhaps from childhood - perhaps that was the last time, you were really absorbed into things in this way, – is the quality of anchoring.
There is a remembrance of the simplicity and pleasure that is really key. Because if we don't have that pleasure, we’re not going to do our practice. Why would we do it? But if we can find the erotic quality of staying with experience -and I mean, erotic in its widest sense of full of life, and full of love, – then our Beingfulness practice goes in leaps and bounds. "I can't wait to practice again because it's so pleasurable…”
#teaching #beingfulness #anchoring #eros #erotic #awareness #rememberance #simplicity
Wow! What you've written here is described a whole new world of pleasure for me. I should definitely try something like this.I hope I can share my personal story here, and who knows, maybe you'll pinch a story from what I say.
Well, I've been in relationships for a while, and I love my partner. But the sexual life could be better. Online, I've read that we need to experiment with other things, like sex toys or new poses. But now we have begun to watch Asian couples live sex at And I wanna say it's something that I haven't tried before, but it helps develop imagination in some things.
I thought that people usually use scents as anchoring, like using a certain fragrance during sex. But you have some good points.