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  • SUPPORTING MEMBERS | Mindsprings

    STÖDANDE MEDLEMMAR Vill du komma åt alla videor? Få 10 % rabatt på alla retreater? Stödmedlemmar är generösa själar som gör ett månatligt bidrag till Mindsprings och får gratis tillgång till det vi erbjuder här. ​ För närvarande har vi bara det enda "trädet" för dig att bli (baobabs och sequoias kommer att följa senare i år), men OAK-medlemskapet är det för dig om du vill ha tillgång till alla videor och 10 % rabatt på alla helger och retreater . Oak GBP 10 10GBP Varje månad Access to the full Mindsprings video library Prova gratis i 30 dagar Påbörja gratis provperiod Access all the video library 10% off all in-person & online retreats Baobab GBP 20 20GBP Varje månad Access the online classes and the library Prova gratis i 30 dagar Påbörja gratis provperiod Access Alistair's weekly online sessions for free Access the full library Get 15% off in-person and online retreats Don't let money stop you accessing everything that Mindsprings Meditation offers. If these subscriptions are too much for your budget, please don't hesitate to drop me a line and I can offer you a bursary rate. No problems!

  • MANDALA OFFERINGS | Mindsprings

    MANDALA Bidra till Mindsprings Mandala varannan månad. Om du vill vara en aktiv deltagare i att göra den månatliga Mandala Mailout och har några saker du vill dela med dig av detta är portalen. Använd formuläret nedan för att skicka in dina bok-, film-, musik-, podcast-, livsrekommendationer för vår Mandala av vackra och kloka saker. Lägg till Mandala... Förnamn Efternamn E-post Låt oss veta vad du vill väva in i mandalan... Om det finns en länk till detta, lägg till den här... Hur skulle du kategorisera dina bidrag. Filma Böcker Podcast YouTube-länk musik Utvald medlemsplats Skicka in Tack för att du är en del av Mandala!

  • Landing Page | Mindsprings

    Nya Mindsprings Kommer snart Ha ut med oss när vi finslipar saker. Alla dina kurser och retreater kan tillfälligt hittas här under de närmaste dagarna. Gå med i vår mailer för att ta reda på när vi går live! Meddela mig Tack för att du skickade in!

  • CONTACT | Mindsprings

    KONTAKT Kontakt Jag älskar att höra från dig! Tveka inte att dela med dig av hur du gör med din meditationsövning eller ställ några frågor som du har funderat på på kudden. ​ Eller bara säg hej! ​ Hör av dig! Förnamn Efternamn E-post Meddelande Skicka Tack för att du skickade in!

  • AA Landing | Mindsprings

    ALISTAIR ÄPPELTON Hej där! Jag är så glad att du har tagit dig en stund att följa din näsa och ta reda på mer om ansiktet på teven! ​ Också som mitt TV-arbete på Escape to the Country , House Doctor och Cash in the Attic , jag är också en ackrediterad psykoterapeut och meditationslärare som bor nere i Sussex med min man, Daniel, och min hund, Ben. ​ Snälla scrolla ner och ha en näsa runt... Håll dig uppdaterad med mig Att leva lugnare... Efter mitt eget råd flydde jag till landet från London 2013 och bor nära havet i East Sussex. Jag är en mycket entusiastisk buddhistisk meditator och jag har lärt människor hur man mediterar i mer än 15 år! Den passionen födde Mindsprings de organisationer jag driver som utforskar användningen av terapeutisk meditation. Lär dig att meditera med mig Slagande ångest... Runt 2012 blev jag sjuk. Efter ett mycket stressigt uppbrott, jobbat galna timmar, avslutat en intensiv terapiutbildning och köpt och renoverat ett hem i London. Då visste jag inte att det var ångest, men jag kunde inte sova, kände mig konstant trött och orolig för allt. Under de senaste 10 åren har jag arbetat hårt för att förstå och förändra min ångest. Och det är en av de saker jag hjälper andra människor att övervinna också. Bemästra din ångest säkert Inbjuder dig att hålla kontakten... Jag blir alltid så glad när folk säger hej eller stannar upp för att säga hur mycket de gillar programmet på TV. Jag blir också väldigt glad när folk plockar upp något från mitt skärmarbete och följer en aning om att de kanske skulle vilja veta mer om mig. Så jag har byggt denna vackra webbplats för att hjälpa dig att hålla kontakten och gå med i gemenskapen av människor som mediterar med mig eller som utforskar terapeutisk meditation. ​ Vänligen utforska Mindsprings webbplats Meditation Utforska all gratis undervisning, video, podcaster samt retreater, självstudiekurser och klasser. Läs mer > Presenterar Om du är producent eller filmare och vill kontakta mig för TV- och filmprojekt Kontakta mig > Terapi För att hitta hur terapeutisk meditation kan hjälpa dig med ångest, klicka nedan Terapeutisk meditation > Tala inför publik Jag är alltid glad över att hålla keynotes, erbjuda företagsutbildning och hålla föredrag. Tveka inte att fråga mig. Boka mig >

  • Beingfulness | Mindsprings

    Stilling the Mind with Shamata and Shinay ​ Start learning here Write a title here. Click to edit and add your own. This is a paragraph area where you can add your own text. Just click “Edit Text” or double click here to add your own content and make changes to the font. It's a great place to tell a story about your business and let users know more about you. Eco-Friendly Design 24/7 Support Multilingual Functionality Advanced Tech Join the course right away A title goes here. Click to edit and add your own. This is a paragraph. Use this area to add any information you want to share with users. Just click "Edit Text" or double click here to change the text and make it your own. You can also adjust the paragraph's font, size and color so it fits your website’s theme. ​ This is a great place to tell users a story about your website and let them know more about what you offer. You may want to share information about your company's background, your team, or the services you provide. Be sure to keep the tone and voice consistent throughout the site so users become familiar with your brand. “Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you or use your products. Change the text and add your own." Alexa Young, CA Special Deals Add information about the sale and encourage users to take advantage of the promotion. Be sure to include any relevant details you want shoppers to know about the sale or your store. Click to edit the text. Shop Now Our Story Read More Get to Know Us This is a paragraph about your business. Let your visitors know who you are, what you do and what your website is all about. Double click on the text box to edit the text and add all the information you want to share. - Final Sale - Get 30% Off Shop Now This is a title. This is a paragraph area where you can add your own text. Just click “Edit Text” or double click here to add your own content and make changes to the font. It's a great place to tell a story about your business and let users know more about you. Min inloggning fungerar inte längre. Kan du hjälpa? Denna nya webbplats behöver en engångsregistrering. Om du har en e-post/lösenordskombination från Mindsprings School (Beingfulness, Anxiety-kurser etc.) så föreslår jag att du använder samma. Men du behöver registrera dig bara en gång för att komma åt sidan (använd samma information om du vill) och sedan kommer du att kunna komma åt allt med den inloggningen nästa gång du besök! Var har mina onlinekurser tagit vägen? Alla online självstudiekurser finns fortfarande på Mindsprings School. Du kan komma åt detta under Kurser > Självstudier i navigeringsfältet. Jag försöker hitta ett sätt att synkronisera skolan med den nya webbplatsen - men allt är säkert och säkert där för din genomgång. När börjar onlinekurserna igen? Jag har tagit ett sabbatsår från onlineundervisning tills jag och Daniel har flyttat in i vårt nya hus i sommar. Så jag planerar att börja kurerade klasser och eventuellt ett vanligt veckopass i september. Call 123-456-7890 Email Follow

  • Holy Island July 2023 | Mindsprings

    Summer Retreat on Holy Isle 22-29 July 2023 Brighten your life with Beingfulness Enjoy your mind afresh. For almost 20 years, Alistair has been running Mindsprings Retreats on the beautiful Holy Isle off the coast of Arran in Scotland . This year we are holding a summer week of Beingfulness on the Island, a practice that celebrates the joy of being human. ​ Come and enjoy the powerful energy of the Island, the delicious island-grown food and the wonderful presence of good-hearted people practicing together. Friendships are born on Holy Island that last for years! ​ We will be exploring Alistair's embodied meditation practice, Beingfulness . A comprehensive way to deepen and enjoy your experience of the world and yourself. It's a beautiful and profound practice - something precious to take with you when you leave the retreat. And it's suitable for beginners and more seasoned meditators. ​ The Centre for World Peace on the Island is a comfortable and well-staffed place to stay with single, double, sea-view and dorm rooms available. The food is delicious and vegetarian. And the Island itself has a transformative magic. ​ Book your place for July now What is Beingfulness? Beingfulness is a form of meditation that helps us enjoy life more. It's a simple step-by-step process. First, we learn to recognise when we are aware Then we master moving awareness from object to object The next step is to anchor awareness on restful objects like the breath or sounds. Then we sift all the various phenomena of our here-and-now into four fields: body, emotions, senses and thoughts. In various exercises, we deepen our enjoyment and curiosity about these phenomena Next, we explore the 'fifth field' of our unexamined preferences And finally, we relax into a wide-open enjoyment of the kaleidoscopic display of the human mind. The practice allows us to be full of being, not just full of thinking! Treat yourself to a week of Beingfulness About Holy Isle Holy Island is a stunning granite outcrop in Lamlash Bay off the isle of Arran in West Scotland. It's been a holy site since the times of Celtic Christianity when St. Molaise lived in a cave here. In the last few decades, it's been a place of Buddhist-inspired contemplation under the auspices of Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche. But the World Centre for Peace and Health where this course takes place is open to all faiths or none. It's a uniquely nurturing place for practice and draws people from all over the world. You can watch an aerial tour of the island here . What to expect from a Mindsprings Retreat Our first evening together on Saturday is a chance to arrive, enjoy some food and get to know one another. Most people are tired from travel and we'll have an early night after some relaxation. The daily schedule for the Sunday-Friday is fairly similar We start with some gentle stretching and a silent sit before breakfast . This is a great way to start the day. Before our delicious breakfast, Alistair will lead us in some t'ai chi on the beachfront which is optional. But does involve hugs - which everyone seems to love. The morning sessions are exploring the Beingfulness practice with breaks for tea. After lunch, the afternoon is a period for rest or walking or taking the practices out into the natural world . We will meet for discussion of the practice and a short period of meditation before supper. After supper, there is a further chance to practice together and integrate what we have learned during the day. Generally, it's light's out and silence after 9.30pm - so early nights, though you could go for a moonlight walk! We often have the mornings silent and one full day of silence somewhere in the middle. It's a very friendly silence and, again, many people love this element of the retreat. Book the retreat About the teacher Alistair is a broadcaster, psychotherapist and meditation teacher. He's worked for the BBC for more than 20 years and works as a UKCP-accredited therapist in East Sussex. Since 2004, he's run Mindsprings , his therapeutic meditation organisation which teaches body-based and Buddhist solutions to many of our everyday problems. Mindsprings offers popular meditation-based courses on many subjects: helping people with anxiety, dissociation, stress. working with mental health in the LGBTQ community. exploring the growing field of embodiment and somatic practices. teaching Buddhist practices for mental health and well-being Alistair teaches in England, Wales, Scotland, Belgium, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland and the Netherlands. Alistair will be leading this retreat supported by Kirsty. We will begin each day with some gentle embodiment practices and then move into exploring Beingfulness. Rough timetable : ​ On Saturday 22nd at 7.30 pm, we have a welcoming circle after soup and the beginning session of the retreat ending around 9pm. Then from Sunday to Friday: 7am- 8am: Early morning yoga + silent sit 8am-9am: Breakfast break 9am- 12.30 pm : Practice and Alistair teaching 12.30pm - 4pm : Lunch self-practice, rest 4pm - 6pm : Practice 6pm -7.30pm Supper time 7.30pm-8.30pm: Sitting practice Team and schedule Food, Accommodation and Pricing One of the greatest joys of Holy Isle is the fantastic food harvested directly from the biodynamic and organic gardens that surround the centre. The resident kitchen team will be providing delicious vegetarian food throughout. There will be breakfast, lunch and supper and tea and snacks available throughout the day. Vegan and wheat-free diets are also catered for. ​ The cost of the retreat is £310 per person and then you will need to book your accommodation through the Holy Island office separately. They have single rooms, a couple of double rooms and male and female dorms. The dorms (and the doubles) have sea views! You will have to book the retreat AND then your room separately! ​ Please note that Holy Island is not taking accommodation bookings until the beginning of 2023. Book Mindsprings Retreat here Choose your accommodation here Don't let money stop you coming on retreat... Mindsprings would like people to practice even if they are struggling financially, for whatever reason. We offer a limited number of partial bursaries for these retreats. Drop us a line about bursaries Getting to Holy Isle Reaching Holy Island is part of the experience of going on retreat there. It is a pilgrimage. ​ Details can be found on the Holy Island site here . But in essence, you need to get to Lamlash pier by lunchtime on the 22nd July. Ideally, you might want to come a day early to give yourself some time. The little ferry from Lamlash to the Island is very weather sensitive so it's a good idea to speak to the Island closer to the retreat. Also you will need to book your ticket with Grant at this site . ​ A little bit of planning and double-checking never goes amiss! Frequently Asked Questions Min inloggning fungerar inte längre. Kan du hjälpa? Denna nya webbplats behöver en engångsregistrering. Om du har en e-post/lösenordskombination från Mindsprings School (Beingfulness, Anxiety-kurser etc.) så föreslår jag att du använder samma. Men du behöver registrera dig bara en gång för att komma åt sidan (använd samma information om du vill) och sedan kommer du att kunna komma åt allt med den inloggningen nästa gång du besök! Var har mina onlinekurser tagit vägen? Alla online självstudiekurser finns fortfarande på Mindsprings School. Du kan komma åt detta under Kurser > Självstudier i navigeringsfältet. Jag försöker hitta ett sätt att synkronisera skolan med den nya webbplatsen - men allt är säkert och säkert där för din genomgång. När börjar onlinekurserna igen? Jag har tagit ett sabbatsår från onlineundervisning tills jag och Daniel har flyttat in i vårt nya hus i sommar. Så jag planerar att börja kurerade klasser och eventuellt ett vanligt veckopass i september. Any more questions?

  • Edinburgh Tapping 2023 | Mindsprings

    Edinburgh Weekend: Tapping into Freedom 18-19 November 2023 Turbo charge your meditation. Clear troubling blockages. Alistair shares with you his secret weapon in powering meditation. And life. Book your place for November now For more than 10 years, I've been using the techniques of energy psychology (tapping, chakra clearing) to break through blockages in my life and the life of my clients. And - until recently - I only spoke about it in the context of therapy. ​ But now I've decided to share how I work with tapping in my meditation practice. ​ Mastering the basic EP skills of tuning-up, muscle testing, tapping and chakra clearing have consistently helped me along the meditative path. And I want to share them with you . ​ On this in-person weekend in Edinburgh you will: ​ get an overview of energy psychology and how it works learn to bring your mind-body 'online' when it's scrambled communicated directly with your mind-body using muscle-testing integrate EP techniques into your meditation practice master 'central clearing' to remove troubling patterns that stymie practice expand EP into dharma practice and into your life What is Energy Psychology? Energy Psychology is a relatively recent arrival in mental health, starting in the field of kinesiology in the 1980s. Still, its roots go back to the yogic practices of the subtle body (chakras, meridians etc.) and to the Tibetan practice of Vajrasattva. In essence, EP works to clear the debris of trauma from the human nervous system/energy body. A common metaphor is that of a river. Trauma leaves big boulders in the river of life and water has to take a highly-pressurized or distorted route to continue. EP removes the boulders and allows the natural health of the body-mind to re-establish itself. Combining cognitive elements (phrase making) with meridian work (tapping on acupressure points or holding energy centres) this unusual form of therapy achieves astonishing results. Many people feel that psychic knots that have bedevilled them for many years are released all at once without remainder. Combining EP techniques with meditation practice can lead to great leaps in our spiritual path and a much more optimistic viewpoint for enlightenment. Master the basics of EP to improve your life FEEDBACK FROM LONDON Thank you so much. I feel this has given me new and refreshing energy to get unstuck. Your teaching was really engaging. Thank you Alistair! I really enjoyed the course. I think it's the most beneficial one I have attended. I appreciated the respectful approach to personal issues (no pressure to explore personal issues with strangers) Thanks! Pricing Mindsprings is well aware that many people are having to tighten their belts at the moment, financially. So we offer two prices for this weekend. A full, supporters fee which helps us cover our costs and a subsidised concessionary rate for any of you who are struggling financially. ​ Paying the full fee allows us to invite more people on the lower rate. But if you would even struggle to pay that reduced ticket rate then please do drop us a line. We never want people to miss out on meditation because of poxy old money. We can sort something out for you. Book the two kinds of tickets here. Enquire about bursaries here What to expect at the Salisbury Centre this November... ​• the course begins at 10am and finishes at 5pm on Saturday and 4pm on Sunday. We'll have an hour for lunch and a couple of 15 minute tea-breaks. If you can get to the Salisbury Centre a little early on Saturday to make sure we can start promptly that would be great. ​ • The postcode of the centre is EH16 5AB t heir website is and their number is 01316675438 . ​ • The centre has a kitchen with a microwave so some people like to bring their own lunch but there are also several nice eateries along the nearby Newington Road. ​ • we'll be using the beautiful Studio Room at the Centre (upstairs) and sitting in chairs in a circle. ​ • the weekend will consist of practice sessions, some instruction and discussion, working in smaller groups and some individual processing. ​ • we'll provide electronic notes after the course so you don't need to write things down though it would be great if you could bring a pen and some paper or a notebook for some of the exercises. Recordings of the teaching will also be sent out after the course. ​ • the Studio Room is usually lovely and warm but please bring some layers, especially if you feel the cold. • If you have any specific psychological concerns, are on prescription psychiatric medication or have a condition that you think I should know about before the course then please do let me know in a private email. ​ About the teacher Alistair is a broadcaster, psychotherapist and meditation teacher. He's worked for the BBC for more than 20 years and works as a UKCP-accredited therapist in East Sussex. Since 2004, he's run Mindsprings , his therapeutic meditation organisation which teaches body-based and Buddhist solutions to many of our everyday problems. Mindsprings offers popular meditation-based courses on many subjects: helping people with anxiety, dissociation, stress. working with mental health in the LGBTQ community. exploring the growing field of embodiment and somatic practices. teaching Buddhist practices for mental health and well-being Alistair teaches in England, Wales, Scotland, Belgium, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland and the Netherlands. Join us in London this April Join us in Edinburgh this November Getting to the Salisbury Centre By Train The nearest train station is Waverley Station. By Bus Buses from the city centre that pass Salisbury Road: 2, 14, 30, 33, N30 (west end of Salisbury Road, Commonwealth Pool stop – nearest bustop) 3, 5, 7, 8, 29, X29, 31, 37, X37, 47, 48, 49, N3, N31, N37 (on Newington Road, Salisbury Road stop – a two minute walk) By Car Parking: The Salisbury Centre is in the City of Edinburgh restricted parking zone 7. There are 12 pay parking spaces on the street with more in adjacent streets. Parking is free after 5.30pm. We are 5 minutes from the nearest unrestricted parking area. Park & Ride If you driving from out of town, please consider using Park & Ride on the South-West of the city P&R SherrifHall postcode EH22 1FF : busses 33 and 49 P&R Straigton, postcode EH20 9NP : busses X37, 47, X47 Any more questions?

  • Milarepa 6-Week Course | Mindsprings

    6 Week Course: Milarepa 2 February - 9th March 2023 Tibet's great mountain mystic - studying the "100,000 Songs" together Immerse yourself in Tibetan Buddhism and the magical life of Milarepa The 11th Century was the time of the Norman period in England, and the Song Dynasty in China. The Toltecs were ruling Mexico, Angkor Wat was being built. It was the twilight of the Byzantine empire. But in a mountainous region of Tibet, a young man was undergoing a profound spiritual transformation from a murderer of 35 people to one of the most legendary and highly-regarded practitioners in Tibetan Buddhism. ​ Milarepa (c.1051-1135) was from a well-to-do family who had been cheated of their wealth. And driven by a vengeful mother he learned black magic and caused the death of 35 of his relatives. Inspired by simply hearing the name of his teacher, Marpa, he went through gruelling penances to get to a place where he could receive the highest Buddhist teaching and then spent the rest of his long life teaching from icy mountain retreats - and singing spontaneous songs (doha) of enlightenment. ​ These "Hundred Thousand Songs" were collected many years after his death and are considered one of the pinnacles of Tibetan religious literature. As well as being astonishing works of poetry, they are also inspirational for practitioners of Buddhism. ​ I feel they are also a wonderful gateway into the sometimes dizzying world of Vajrayana Buddhism. Having loved these Songs for many years, I thought it would be wonderful to spend six weeks exploring them. ​ We'll start with an overview of Milarepa's life on the 2nd February and then take one song each week for the subsequent five sessions. We'll meet at 7.30pm UK time on Thursday evenings - for about an hour. Book a place on the 6-week course Pricing You can attend the six-week course as part of your Baobab membership (and if you book Baobab before the end of January it's only £10 a month for the first three months of 2023). Or you can pay £30 for the six week course. Book £30 course Get it free with Baobab membership Book the 6-week study course About the teacher Alistair is a broadcaster, psychotherapist and meditation teacher. He's worked for the BBC for more than 20 years and works as a UKCP-accredited therapist in East Sussex. Since 2004, he's run Mindsprings , his therapeutic meditation organisation which teaches body-based and Buddhist solutions to many of our everyday problems. Mindsprings offers popular meditation-based courses on many subjects: helping people with anxiety, dissociation, stress. working with mental health in the LGBTQ community. exploring the growing field of embodiment and somatic practices. teaching Buddhist practices for mental health and well-being Alistair teaches in England, Wales, Scotland, Belgium, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland and the Netherlands. Any more questions?

  • Press Kit | Mindsprings

    Press Kit Använd Nick Fords vackra bilder om du behöver bilder på mig. Men vänligen kreditera honom därefter. Ladda ner ZIP Press Photos kort bio Alistair Appleton & Mindsprings Alistair Appleton är en terapeutisk meditationslärare och välkänd TV-presentatör i Storbrittanien. Som en mycket älskad värd för BBC-showen "Escape to the Country." i mer än 14 år är Alistair ett känt namn för de två miljoner människor som ställer in varje vecka. Alistair är grundaren av Mindsprings, som han startade 2005 för att utforska de terapeutiska användningarna och fördelarna med meditation i den moderna världen. Förutom att genomföra personliga retreater och kurser, Alistair leder en serie terapeutiska meditationskurser online. Dessa har varit särskilt populära under pandemin och inkluderar "Mastering the Monsters of Anxiety", "Transforming the Trigger Thought'. Och 'Beingfulness' en kurs för att lära dig att meditera. Hans livliga och icke-dogmatiska kurser och workshops tilltalar en bred publik, inklusive de vanligtvis inte attraherad av andlig praktik. Alistair ger meditationstekniker levande för de som lider av ångest, dissociation och andra problem som uppstår i livet i dagens värld. Han har varit UKCP-ackrediterad psykoterapeut med praktik i Brighton sedan 2013. Och han har mer än 20 års dedikerad erfarenhet av meditation. Alistair har utbildat sig i buddhismen tradition med olika mästare. År 2000 avlade han sina buddhistiska löften med Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, abboten i Samye Ling-klostret i Skottland. De bad honom senare att lära ut en meditation kurs för nybörjare, starten på undervisningsresan fortsätter han än i dag. Alistair är lyckligt gift med Daniel Martin. De bor tillsammans i Sussex med sin älskade hund Ben. ​ ​ To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • OPEN LIBRARY | Mindsprings

    VIDEOKLIPP Dyk in i det här biblioteket med videoundervisning från Alistair. ​ Guidade meditationer (vanligtvis cirka 30-40 minuter) Undervisning i olika ämnen: kroppsbaserad meditation, medkänsla, interna familjesystem och mycket mer Alistairs svar till eleverna ​ Vi har organiserat de över 150 videorna i olika kanaler och kategorier. Du måste vara en stödjande medlem för att få tillgång till de gyllene! ​ Bra för nybörjare Good for Beginners Tips och samtal om hur man mediterar Bring the Body Online Att reda ut tankar och tänkande Lugnande & centrerar kroppen-MÄN Maitri: Älska dina inre delar Att öppna hjärtat för andra Alla guidade meditationer All undervisning Gemenskapens favoriter Tips och samtal om hur man mediterar Efter och under många av Mindsprings livesessionerna berättar Alistair om några av de missuppfattningar och vanliga frågor som uppstår för meditatorer. Dessa 13 korta föredrag tar upp ett stort utbud av ämnen: ​ Ögonen stängda eller öppna under meditation? Att inte identifiera sig med våra tankar Målet för det "luftade" jaget Meditation på kudden kontra meditation i den "riktiga" världen Att inte falla i fällan att leta efter lugnet Lite praktisk uppackning av övningar som kapalabati och övning av femmor Spela video Spela video Kapalabati unpacked Another nuts and bolts explanation of a practice we often do in Mindsprings sessions, Skull Brightening Breath (Kapalabati). This is potential energy clearing breath practice #pranayama #explanation #kapalabti #meditation #short Spela video Spela video Is meditation in the real world better than meditation at home? Is meditation another thing you do or is it part of your everyday life? From the car park of M25 Services at Cobham, whilst away filming for Escape to the Country, .From the carpark of M25 Services at Cobham, I answer Jane's question about the benefit of formal practice vs. everyday practice. #short #meditation #practice #dzogchen #shamata Spela video Spela video Images for suffusing awareness As we practice the rising-descending torus meditation, the question of how to describe the process of 'suffusion' in energy leads to discussion of various images #short #imagery #awareness #meditation #suffusion #Pali #Tripitika Spela video Spela video The purpose is not to be calm Jane speaks about John Kabat-Zinn's refutation of meditation as a 'calming' thing. And I agree... It's much more powerful than that. Spela video Spela video Intro to the Practice of Five The introduction to my shamata-vipassana meditation called 'The Practice of Five'. This involves an alternating practice of calm abiding and beingful awareness, measured out by the fingers of each hand #explanation #practiceoffive #shamata #vipassana #meditation #teaching Spela video Spela video Practice of Fives unpacked From the car in Pembrokeshire, I unpack the practice of fives, which combines shamata and vipassana in an alternating sequence. #teaching #shamata #vipassana #explanation #meditation #guide Spela video Spela video The aerated sense of self Following on from Valerie's description of her experience in the four fields practice, I talk about the 'aerated' sense of self which comes when we learn to see our self as constructed of discrete phenomena. #fourfields #beingfulness #noself #self #teaching Spela video Spela video The Three Stages of Shamata Following Dameon's question about the shamata / self-soothing practice (without mantra) I go through the three stages of the practice and outline some of the benefits. #teaching #meditation # shamata #soothing Films & Fun Stuff Spela video Spela video 01:55 Without string a violin is just a box A snippet from our Tuesday evening live sessions where the focus is on stress-reduction and anxiety. This was a wonderful exploration of grief. Come and join us - the first month is completely free : Spela video Spela video 06:55 The Island For those who have never been to Holy Island, Alistair gives some introductory pointers and a little taste of why it's so magical... Spela video Spela video 07:32 Green Tara Island Alistair speaks from Holy Island about the need for clean, compassionate action in the world, represented by the Tibetan figure of Green Tara. Spela video Spela video 07:23 Caves Alistair continues his exploration of Holy Island. In this video he ponders the magic of meditating in caves. Spela video Spela video 05:40 The Sea! The Sea! Alistair ponders the role of the sea in spiritual practice Spela video Spela video Mindsprings - Sit the Downs Alistair Appleton teaches us how to open to the landscape below us using somatic meditation Spela video Spela video 07:49 Head-in-the-Sand Land Alistair speaks to the psychological underpinnings of climate change denial. We can find a way of empathising with that desire to dissociate the unthinkable. Beginners Bra för nybörjare Här är ett dussin övningar som ger dig en god smak av förkroppsligad meditation. Många av dem stod upp: ​ Börja med en härlig uppsättning energiövningar, ta med energi till den stående kroppen Gå sedan in i den klassiska Mindsprings-avslappningen, Polyvagal Tuning . Sedan en övning i att spåra energin runt den somatiska kretsen Och tre övningar som arbetar med medvetenhet och stillhet: 3 Objekt , Mantra och Practice of Fives Sedan finns det två smakprov av Beingfulness och Tonglen Avslutar med en sammanfattning av energipasset med min hund, Ben. Spela video Spela video 39:37 GM Kaleidoscope Returning to a classic Beingfulness practice, in this Monday session from Spring 2024, we enjoy sitting in the four fields like a child playing with a kaleidoscope. #kaleidoscope #beingfulness #guided Spela video Spela video 42:23 GM Expanding Through the Senses Spela video Spela video 39:38 Three Objects 2024 Starting 2024 with the classic meditation for sharpening our experience of awareness and how we have the power to move it at will. A wonderful practice for any occasion. #threeobjects #Beingfulness #Monday #awareness Spela video Spela video 36:59 The Four Ingredients From January 2024, we take a fresh look eat the Beingfulness practice of the Four Fields. A great meditation for sorting out all the elements of our life in order to live more joyfully. #beingfulness #fourfields #joy #clarity Spela video Spela video 35:33 GM Three Objects III Continuing our exploration of the first Being, Being Aware we look more deeply into the mysterious quality of awareness and how we can move it around. #beingfulness #threeobjects #awareness #guided Spela video Spela video 40:55 GM Three Objects II From the Coronation Bank Holiday in May 2023, we look again at the crucial experience of awareness in our life. How phenomenon + awareness = experience. #threeobjects #beingfulness #guided Spela video Spela video 38:12 GM Elephant Path From our 2023 sequence looking at shamata or calm abiding, this session Thursday 6th April introduces the famous Tibetan diagram of the Elephant Path and how we can use that to navigate the mind's tendency to distraction #shamata #guided #elephant #calmabiding Spela video Spela video 20:53 GM Bodhicitta Breathing I Starting the New Year of 2023 with some bodhicitta work, I lead the group in a 20 minute exercise using the breath to explore our kindness, compassion and blocks to both. #bodhicitta #practice #breathing #compassion #selfcompassion #thursday Please do come along to our Thursday Morning sessions - they're free for Baobab members. Tips och samtal om hur man mediterar Efter och under många av Mindsprings livesessionerna berättar Alistair om några av de missuppfattningar och vanliga frågor som uppstår för meditatorer. Dessa 13 korta föredrag tar upp ett stort utbud av ämnen: ​ Ögonen stängda eller öppna under meditation? Att inte identifiera sig med våra tankar Målet för det "luftade" jaget Meditation på kudden kontra meditation i den "riktiga" världen Att inte falla i fällan att leta efter lugnet Lite praktisk uppackning av övningar som kapalabati och övning av femmor How to Meditate Spela video Spela video Kapalabati unpacked Another nuts and bolts explanation of a practice we often do in Mindsprings sessions, Skull Brightening Breath (Kapalabati). This is potential energy clearing breath practice #pranayama #explanation #kapalabti #meditation #short Spela video Spela video Is meditation in the real world better than meditation at home? Is meditation another thing you do or is it part of your everyday life? From the car park of M25 Services at Cobham, whilst away filming for Escape to the Country, .From the carpark of M25 Services at Cobham, I answer Jane's question about the benefit of formal practice vs. everyday practice. #short #meditation #practice #dzogchen #shamata Spela video Spela video Images for suffusing awareness As we practice the rising-descending torus meditation, the question of how to describe the process of 'suffusion' in energy leads to discussion of various images #short #imagery #awareness #meditation #suffusion #Pali #Tripitika Spela video Spela video The purpose is not to be calm Jane speaks about John Kabat-Zinn's refutation of meditation as a 'calming' thing. And I agree... It's much more powerful than that. Spela video Spela video Intro to the Practice of Five The introduction to my shamata-vipassana meditation called 'The Practice of Five'. This involves an alternating practice of calm abiding and beingful awareness, measured out by the fingers of each hand #explanation #practiceoffive #shamata #vipassana #meditation #teaching Spela video Spela video Practice of Fives unpacked From the car in Pembrokeshire, I unpack the practice of fives, which combines shamata and vipassana in an alternating sequence. #teaching #shamata #vipassana #explanation #meditation #guide Spela video Spela video The aerated sense of self Following on from Valerie's description of her experience in the four fields practice, I talk about the 'aerated' sense of self which comes when we learn to see our self as constructed of discrete phenomena. #fourfields #beingfulness #noself #self #teaching Spela video Spela video The Three Stages of Shamata Following Dameon's question about the shamata / self-soothing practice (without mantra) I go through the three stages of the practice and outline some of the benefits. #teaching #meditation # shamata #soothing Bringing the Body Online Bring the Body Online Mindsprings grundar mycket av den meditation vi gör i kroppen och det här är ett stort urval av somatiska övningar: Vi börjar med två enkla energiövningar som du kan använda inför varje träningspass. Sedan pratas det lite om den specifika karaktären av somatisk praktik. Två övningar introducerar Alistairs Polyvagal Tuning som är en fantastisk somatisk övning för att föra oss in i ett positivt kropp-sinnetillstånd. Sedan finns det en serie övningar som introducerar den somatiska kretsen - ett bra sätt att hitta tillbaka till kroppen. Därefter är övningar som öppnar upp detta utrymme: det somatiska tältet . Följt av en mer avancerad energiövning känd som Torus . Slutligen finns det den klassiska praktiken av Earth Breathing och några somatiska övningar som öppnar hjärtat för Compassion-arbete. Spela video Spela video 42:07 GM Being with the Body Following the May Cliffhouse retreat with the subject of "Sitting with the Body", this Monday morning session took up the same theme. #4fields #7cycles #body #beingfulness Spela video Spela video 39:18 GM Earth Breathing & Ego Loop From our Tuesday evening session in late March 2024. Combining the classic earth breathing practice with an exploration of the source of our anxiety - the ego loop. #earthbreathing #egoloop #tuesday #meditation Spela video Spela video 34:56 GM Voo & The Jellyfish From our Tuesday session in April 2024. This was in 2 parts. The first using the VOO breath to calm the nervous system and then a lying-down practice exploring the vagus nerve. #vagus #nervoussystem #calming #guided #breathing Spela video Spela video 42:43 GM Shamata on Sounds From our 2024 season looking at Shamata - Vipashyna. This Shamata practice uses sound as the anchor. #shamata #sounds #guided Spela video Spela video 33:15 GM Polyvagal Tuning The classic stress busting exercise from Mindsprings. Lie down and let the ventral vagal tone take over. #PVT #Stress #guided Spela video Spela video 33:36 GM The Blind Body From our Monday session in mid June 2023, where we were exploring the body-from-within. #beingfulness #body #somatic #guided Spela video Spela video 43:12 GM 8 Cycles of the Body From our Monday session on 3rd July 2023, looking at the body field in our exploration of Beingfulness. This is a lying down practice exploring the 8 interlocking and inter-nested cycles of somatic phenomena. #beingfulness #somatic #cycles #guided Spela video Spela video 35:30 GM Shaking Tree - Pendulation From a Tuesday evening Anxiety/Stress session at the beginning of July 2023. I had just fallen off my bicycle and was in need of some trauma release - so we shook the tree and explored Peter Levine's understanding of trauma release. #stress #trauma #shakingthetree #pendulation #PeterLevine Thoughts & Thinking Att reda ut tankar och tänkande Efter och under många av Mindsprings livesessionerna berättar Alistair om några av de missuppfattningar och vanliga frågor som uppstår för meditatorer. Dessa 13 korta föredrag tar upp ett stort utbud av ämnen: ​ Ögonen stängda eller öppna under meditation? Att inte identifiera sig med våra tankar Målet för det "luftade" jaget Meditation på kudden kontra meditation i den "riktiga" världen Att inte falla i fällan att leta efter lugnet Lite praktisk uppackning av övningar som kapalabati och övning av femmor Lugnande och centrerar kropp-sinne Centralt i all meditation är förmågan att lugna och lugna kropp-sinne. Utan detta tenderar alla ytterligare terapeutiska utarbetningar att försvinna i ett morass av brusande distraktion: Den lugnande praktiken av Earth Breathing Shamata eller lugnande övning: övningen av femmor Arbeta med mantra Frond andas Tonglen och medkänsla för vår egen erfarenhet Soothing & Centring Maitri: Älska dina inre delar Innan vi kan älska andra måste vi vara medvetna om och älska mångfalden av delar inom vårt eget psyke. Utövandet av maitri (av självmedkänsla) utforskar detta med hjälp av Richard Schwartz' Internal Family Systems. ​ Börjar med en kort översikt, dyker vi in i den avgörande upplevelsen av 'backspace' som ger oss det somatiska fältet av kärleksfull vänlighet som våra delar kan titta in i. vi kan utforska de delar som Schwartz identifierar som brandmän, chefer och exil i vår praktik och ge dem lite vänlighet och klarhet. Dessa delar manifesterar sig ofta på specifika somatiska sätt som utforskas i undervisningen kring cylindrar Ytterligare två samtal om de bredare konsekvenserna av detta arbete i våra liv. Maitri Att öppna hjärtat för andra I slutändan kommer all vår praktik tillbaka till hur vi förhåller oss till andra. Själviskhetens gjutjärnsmönster är svåra att mjuka upp. Men terapeutisk meditation vänder sig mycket till buddhistisk praktik här: Guidade övningar för att känna det förkroppsligade "backspace" som är avgörande för medkänsla Förkroppsligade versioner av den buddhistiska praxis av tonglen Utforskningar av det uppvaknade hjärtat eller bodhicitta Diskutera de praktiska utmaningarna med att älska andra ​ ​ Compassion Alla guidade övningar Mindsprings videobibliotek innehåller mer än 50 guidade meditationer som sträcker sig från 10 till 50 minuter. Använd sökfunktionen för att hitta den övning du vill ha eller titta igenom kategorierna att hitta inspiration. All GMs All undervisning Mindsprings videobibliotek innehåller mer än 100 inspelade lärdomar. Några är korta svar på frågor Alistair gav under sessionerna. Vissa undervisar längre i meditation, terapi eller buddhism. Använd sökfunktionen för att hitta den övning du vill ha eller titta igenom kategorierna att hitta inspiration. All Teaching

  • FORUM | Mindsprings

    GEMENSKAP Gå till din live-sida för att se hur detta fungerar. Kategorier Alla inlägg Mina inlägg Skapa nytt inlägg Sharing Space Följ Visningar Inlägg 152 A place to share pictures, momentary flashes of inspiration, books, films, music. Share away! Meet the Gang! Följ Visningar Inlägg 50 Please say hello! Post a picture of yourself and some words of introduction. It's a friendly space and nice to be known! Let's Remember Följ Visningar Inlägg 7 The space to remember anyone we know who is dying, or sick. Or who needs our thoughts right now. Can be you as well! Questions & Answers Följ Visningar Inlägg 28 Ask Alistair and the Mindsprings community questions you have about meditation, self-care or anything at all! Alistair Clips Följ Visningar Inlägg 28 This is the space where Alistair posts his musings, his spontaneous videos and various other bits and pieces. Nya inlägg Alistair Appleton 6m This teaching around Compassion raised some interesting questions. Sharing Space Is it selfish to wish yourself free from pain? Gilla 1 kommentar 1 Trev 3h Is forgiveness dead in the water? Questions & Answers Hi, I've just watched the video of last Thursday's session on the Four Immeasurables. And as I'm taking in a lot more than when I was actually there, it's given me time to ponder: If loving kindness or wishing well arises from an unconditional, egoless place of emptiness, does this mean that the act of forgiveness is essentially ego-driven? Because do we not grace people our forgiveness? Can anyone expound on this for me? I'm twisting my brain-knickers into trying to understand. Hopeful thanks! T x Gilla 4 kommentarer 4 Zana Frood 1d Links Questions & Answers Hi. Has anyone received an e-mail with the link for tonight's Book Group? I haven't and didn't get one for last week either. Alistair had to send me it. I haven't had an e-mail about tomorrow morning's meditation session either. Is it the same link each week for those sessions? Hoping someone can help 🤞 Thanks. Gilla 2 kommentarer 2 Forum - Frameless

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