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Services (3)
- Monday Meditation
Hi everyone! Make a date to practice with the Mindsprings gang every Monday morning at 8am UK time. This is a chance to use the mind-cleaning Beingfulness practice to steady our awareness, see all the phenomena that are making up our experience and learn to love them! There'll be clear instruction each session so anyone can join - even (or especially) complete beginners. We practice for about 30 minutes and then have some time to talk and discuss what's going on. It's a lovely communal way to start the week.
- Tuesday Meditation for Anxiety
Hello! This Tuesday 6pm UK session is a chance to plug into the Mindsprings methods for soothing the nervous system and unpicking the mechanisms of anxiety. We'll be practicing body-based techniques, breathworks and energy psychology each week. There'll be clear instruction each session so anyone can join - even (or especially) complete beginners. We practice for about 30 minutes and then have some time to talk and discuss what's going on. Many people find sharing their anxiety a great boon. Come along and finally do something about your shredded nerves.
- Thursday Meditation
Hello! This Thursday 8am UK session offers anyone a chance to experience some Buddhist-flavoured practice. It's ideal for people who are interested in Buddhism but don't know all the jargon. And it's a chance for the Mindsprings community to anchor their dharma practice. There'll be clear instruction each session so anyone can join - even (or especially) complete beginners. We practice for about 30 minutes and then have some time to talk and discuss what's going on. I'll use the last portion of the session to chat about some of the Buddhist ideas and clarify any questions people have.
Événements (28)
- Dundreggan 7-Day Retreat 2025Billets : £570.003 May 2025 | 18:00Dundreggan Estate, Glenmoriston, Inverness IV63 7YJ, UK
- Holy Island August Retreat 2025: The Eight and the FourBillets : £350.0022 August 2025 | 16:00Arran, United Kingdom
- London Weekend: The Three MarksBillets : £61.50 - £102.5025 October 2025 | 09:0015 Spa Rd, London SE16 3SA, UK
Posts du forum (1207)
- Last night’s MeditationDans Sharing Space·15 January 2025Hi everyone! I attended the lovely meditation last night. We focused on the Tan Tien, (also called the Dantien). I had an experience where the Qi, or energy, started to circulate up my back and down the front of the body. It was enjoyable and I was asked to post here a picture of the Microcosmic orbit - which is what was happening. In Chinese Medicine the body contains many landscapes - particularly you can see here mountains (in the head) and a reservoir (in the Tan tien). A healing practice is to circulate the Qi in this way (up the back and down the front) however, …. I’ll add a note of caution. Some Qigong teachers advise against this practice - personally if I do it for too long I get dizzy!.. so please be careful and if you are interested in the Microcosmic Orbit - its best to do it with a skilled teacher. But…. I love the image of landscapes within the body! … so please take a look at this pic!5336
- Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche: In Love with the WorldDans Sharing Space·19 January 2025Lovely recording of him being interviewed by Tami Simon in Sounds.1120
- The Satipatthana Sutra is a Funfair for Meditators!Dans Alistair Clips·9 January 2025Here's a clip from this morning session, the first in our 8-week series looking at the Four Foundations of Mindfulness one of the most famous and influential meditation discourses of the Buddha. Please join us for the rest of the funfair ride - we're meeting every Thursday morning at 8am UK but if you can't make that, sign up anyway and we will send you a recording. It's an amazing text and I'm looking forward to unpacking it together.
Programmes (47)
- Mastering the Monsters of Anxiety 2025
Are you battling with high levels of stress and anxiety? Alistair's online course Mastering the Monsters of Anxiety might be the way to tackle your anxiety in 2025. It's a self-paced online course you can work through from the comfort of your own home. And find the body-based solutions that can reduce those horrible sensations of panic and fear. Click through to access the course for just £50 this year. Use code MMA25 to get that discount.
Autres pages (26)
- CALENDAR | Mindsprings
- AA Landing | Mindsprings
ALISTAIRE APPLETON Bonjour! Je suis tellement heureuse que vous ayez pris un moment pour suivre votre nez et en savoir plus sur le visage à la télé ! Aussi bien comme mon travail télévisé sur Escape to the Country , House Doctor et Cash in the Attic , je suis également psychothérapeute accréditée et professeur de méditation vivant dans le Sussex avec mon mari, Daniel, et mon chien, Ben. S'il vous plaît faites défiler vers le bas et jetez un coup d'œil... Tenez-vous au courant avec moi Vivre plus sereinement... Suivant mes propres conseils, je me suis échappé de Londres en 2013 et j'ai vécu près de la mer dans l'East Sussex. Je suis un méditant bouddhiste très enthousiaste et j'enseigne aux gens comment méditer depuis plus de 15 ans ! Cette passion a donné naissance à Mindsprings, l'organisation que je dirige et qui explore les utilisations de la méditation thérapeutique. Apprenez à méditer avec moi Vaincre l'anxiété... Vers 2012, je suis tombé malade. Après une rupture très stressante, des heures de travail folles, une formation thérapeutique intense et l'achat et la rénovation d'une maison à Londres. À l'époque, je ne savais pas que c'était de l'anxiété, mais je ne pouvais pas dormir, je me sentais constamment fatiguée et inquiète pour tout. Au cours des 10 dernières années, j'ai travaillé dur pour comprendre et transformer mon anxiété. Et c'est une des choses que j'aide les autres à surmonter aussi. Maîtrisez votre anxiété en toute sécurité Vous invitant à rester en contact... Je suis toujours si heureux quand les gens disent bonjour ou s'arrêtent pour dire à quel point ils aiment l'émission à la télévision. Je suis également très heureux lorsque les gens reprennent quelque chose de mon travail à l'écran et suivent une intuition qu'ils aimeraient en savoir plus sur moi. J'ai donc créé ce magnifique site Web pour vous aider à rester en contact et à rejoindre la communauté des personnes qui méditent avec moi ou qui explorent la méditation thérapeutique. Veuillez explorer le site Mindsprings Méditation Explorez tous les enseignements gratuits, vidéos, podcasts ainsi que les retraites, les cours d'auto-apprentissage et les cours. En savoir plus > En présentant Si vous êtes producteur ou cinéaste et que vous souhaitez me contacter pour des projets télévisuels et cinématographiques Contactez-moi > Thérapie Pour découvrir comment la méditation thérapeutique peut vous aider avec anxiété, veuillez cliquer ci-dessous Méditation thérapeutique > Art oratoire Je suis toujours ravi de donner des keynotes, d'offrir des formations en entreprise et de donner des conférences. N'hésitez pas à me demander. Réservez-moi >
- Holy Island July 2023 | Mindsprings
Summer Retreat on Holy Isle 22-29 July 2023 Brighten your life with Beingfulness Enjoy your mind afresh. For almost 20 years, Alistair has been running Mindsprings Retreats on the beautiful Holy Isle off the coast of Arran in Scotland . This year we are holding a summer week of Beingfulness on the Island, a practice that celebrates the joy of being human. Come and enjoy the powerful energy of the Island, the delicious island-grown food and the wonderful presence of good-hearted people practicing together. Friendships are born on Holy Island that last for years! We will be exploring Alistair's embodied meditation practice, Beingfulness . A comprehensive way to deepen and enjoy your experience of the world and yourself. It's a beautiful and profound practice - something precious to take with you when you leave the retreat. And it's suitable for beginners and more seasoned meditators. The Centre for World Peace on the Island is a comfortable and well-staffed place to stay with single, double, sea-view and dorm rooms available. The food is delicious and vegetarian. And the Island itself has a transformative magic. Book your place for July now What is Beingfulness? Beingfulness is a form of meditation that helps us enjoy life more. It's a simple step-by-step process. First, we learn to recognise when we are aware Then we master moving awareness from object to object The next step is to anchor awareness on restful objects like the breath or sounds. Then we sift all the various phenomena of our here-and-now into four fields: body, emotions, senses and thoughts. In various exercises, we deepen our enjoyment and curiosity about these phenomena Next, we explore the 'fifth field' of our unexamined preferences And finally, we relax into a wide-open enjoyment of the kaleidoscopic display of the human mind. The practice allows us to be full of being, not just full of thinking! Treat yourself to a week of Beingfulness About Holy Isle Holy Island is a stunning granite outcrop in Lamlash Bay off the isle of Arran in West Scotland. It's been a holy site since the times of Celtic Christianity when St. Molaise lived in a cave here. In the last few decades, it's been a place of Buddhist-inspired contemplation under the auspices of Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche. But the World Centre for Peace and Health where this course takes place is open to all faiths or none. It's a uniquely nurturing place for practice and draws people from all over the world. You can watch an aerial tour of the island here . What to expect from a Mindsprings Retreat Our first evening together on Saturday is a chance to arrive, enjoy some food and get to know one another. Most people are tired from travel and we'll have an early night after some relaxation. The daily schedule for the Sunday-Friday is fairly similar We start with some gentle stretching and a silent sit before breakfast . This is a great way to start the day. Before our delicious breakfast, Alistair will lead us in some t'ai chi on the beachfront which is optional. But does involve hugs - which everyone seems to love. The morning sessions are exploring the Beingfulness practice with breaks for tea. After lunch, the afternoon is a period for rest or walking or taking the practices out into the natural world . We will meet for discussion of the practice and a short period of meditation before supper. After supper, there is a further chance to practice together and integrate what we have learned during the day. Generally, it's light's out and silence after 9.30pm - so early nights, though you could go for a moonlight walk! We often have the mornings silent and one full day of silence somewhere in the middle. It's a very friendly silence and, again, many people love this element of the retreat. Book the retreat About the teacher Alistair is a broadcaster, psychotherapist and meditation teacher. He's worked for the BBC for more than 20 years and works as a UKCP-accredited therapist in East Sussex. Since 2004, he's run Mindsprings , his therapeutic meditation organisation which teaches body-based and Buddhist solutions to many of our everyday problems. Mindsprings offers popular meditation-based courses on many subjects: helping people with anxiety, dissociation, stress. working with mental health in the LGBTQ community. exploring the growing field of embodiment and somatic practices. teaching Buddhist practices for mental health and well-being Alistair teaches in England, Wales, Scotland, Belgium, Ireland, Sweden, Iceland and the Netherlands. Alistair will be leading this retreat supported by Kirsty. We will begin each day with some gentle embodiment practices and then move into exploring Beingfulness. Rough timetable : On Saturday 22nd at 7.30 pm, we have a welcoming circle after soup and the beginning session of the retreat ending around 9pm. Then from Sunday to Friday: 7am- 8am: Early morning yoga + silent sit 8am-9am: Breakfast break 9am- 12.30 pm : Practice and Alistair teaching 12.30pm - 4pm : Lunch self-practice, rest 4pm - 6pm : Practice 6pm -7.30pm Supper time 7.30pm-8.30pm: Sitting practice Team and schedule Food, Accommodation and Pricing One of the greatest joys of Holy Isle is the fantastic food harvested directly from the biodynamic and organic gardens that surround the centre. The resident kitchen team will be providing delicious vegetarian food throughout. There will be breakfast, lunch and supper and tea and snacks available throughout the day. Vegan and wheat-free diets are also catered for. The cost of the retreat is £310 per person and then you will need to book your accommodation through the Holy Island office separately. They have single rooms, a couple of double rooms and male and female dorms. The dorms (and the doubles) have sea views! You will have to book the retreat AND then your room separately! Please note that Holy Island is not taking accommodation bookings until the beginning of 2023. Book Mindsprings Retreat here Choose your accommodation here Don't let money stop you coming on retreat... Mindsprings would like people to practice even if they are struggling financially, for whatever reason. We offer a limited number of partial bursaries for these retreats. Drop us a line about bursaries Getting to Holy Isle Reaching Holy Island is part of the experience of going on retreat there. It is a pilgrimage. Details can be found on the Holy Island site here . But in essence, you need to get to Lamlash pier by lunchtime on the 22nd July. Ideally, you might want to come a day early to give yourself some time. The little ferry from Lamlash to the Island is very weather sensitive so it's a good idea to speak to the Island closer to the retreat. Also you will need to book your ticket with Grant at this site . A little bit of planning and double-checking never goes amiss! Frequently Asked Questions Ma connexion ne fonctionne plus. Pouvez-vous aider ? Ce nouveau site nécessite une inscription unique. Si vous avez un combo e-mail/mot de passe de l'école Mindsprings (cours d'être, d'anxiété, etc.), je vous suggère d'utiliser le même. Mais vous n'aurez besoin de vous inscrire qu'une seule fois pour accéder au site (utilisez ces mêmes détails si vous le souhaitez) et vous pourrez ensuite accéder à tout avec cette connexion la prochaine fois que vous visiter! Où sont passés mes cours en ligne ? Tous les cours d'autoformation en ligne sont toujours sur l'école Mindsprings. Vous pouvez y accéder sous Cours > Autoformation dans la barre de navigation. J'essaie de trouver un moyen de synchroniser l'école avec le nouveau site - mais tout est sain et sauf pour votre lecture. Quand recommencent les cours en ligne en direct ? J'ai pris un congé sabbatique de l'enseignement en ligne jusqu'à ce que Daniel et moi emménagions dans notre nouvelle maison cet été. Je prévois donc de commencer des cours organisés et éventuellement une session hebdomadaire régulière en septembre. Any more questions?